Can AI increase project success? – Interview with Luis Guardado

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Interview Project Management Expert – Luis Guardado- about AI in Project Management

Another interesting discussion with a project management expert – Luis Guardado. We explored AI’s crucial role in project management. Lucio emphasized early AI adoption for future success, while stressing its transformative potential and strategic integration. We highlighted continuous learning as essential for staying relevant and embracing AI’s capabilities effectively in project management.

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Luis has actively contributed as a featured author in several books, including “The Volunteering Journey to Project Leadership,” “The Evolution of the PMO: The Rise of a Chief Project Officer,” and “Green PMO.” Additionally, he plays a pivotal role as a member of the Grandfathering team at the Service Management Institute and serves on the Creative Board of the SMIBok. Mastery in Business Administration, Innovation and Finance, Project’s Rescue and Recovery expert. International speaker and university teacher providing Strategy, Portfolio and Project Management, Business Development, Design Thinking, Leadership, and Neurosemantic lectures and currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Philosophy. He also represents several boards in educational institutions and NGOs dedicated to promoting knowledge sharing, entrepreneurial efforts, and social assistance to communities in need. Founder and President of the PMOex (PMO Excellence Center) and NGO dedicated to giving back to our community of professionals by serving as a link to global knowledge networks and world-class education.

Can AI increase project success?

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