Panel Discussion – Ready to Implement AI to Transform Project Delivery

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BBC, DHL and Gleeds discuss their approach to AI in Project Management

We hosted our first AI in Project Management Panel Discussion on the 2nd November 2021. Our panel comprised of project executives from major UK companies.

  • Stuart Collins – Director, Transformation, Change & Improvement (BBC)
  • Tim Bolam – Vice President Project Delivery (DHL)
  • Dave Corbin – Head of Programme & Project Management (Gleeds)

The discussion focused on the context of AI in Project Management, the challenges of adopting AI in Project Management and how to prepare your organisation in order to maximise benefits.

Snippets of the event and the full webinar can be found below.

Main Drivers to Implement AI in Project Management

When discussing the barriers to adoption, Dave Corbin noted that AI in PM is innovation and therefore "In order to adopt AI in PM, sponsors need to be brave"

Key Components for AI in Project Management Success

Stuart Collins stated that in his view the key component for AI in PM success was the "need consistency across language, management and processes"
AI will help us back up decisions with confirmed data points as opposed to subjective experience" - Tim Bolam

To Watch the Full Webinar

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